What Percentage Should My Heart Rate Be To Burn Fat

What Percentage Should My Heart Rate Be To Burn Fat

Don't Diet

Don't Diet


The Women's Health Diet isn't about eating less; it's about eating more—more nutrient-dense food, to crowd out the empty calories and keep you full all day. That's important, because restricting food will kill your metabolism. It sends a signal to your body that says, "I'm starving here!" And your body responds by slowing your metabolic rate to hold on to existing energy stores.

What's worse, if the food shortage (meaning, your crash diet) continues, you'll begin burning muscle tissue, which just gives your enemy, visceral fat, a greater advantage. Your metabolism slows further, and fat goes on to claim even more territory.

Send your Metabolism Sky-High and Drop 15 Pounds in Six Weeks!

Go to Bed Earlier

Go to Bed Earlier


A study in Finland looked at sets of identical twins and discovered that in each set of siblings, the twin who slept less and was under more stress had more visceral fat.

Eat More Protein

Eat More Protein


Your body needs protein to maintain lean muscle. In a 2006 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers argued that the current recommended daily intake for protein, 0.36 grams per pound of body weight, is woefully inadequate for anyone doing resistance training and recommend that women get between 0.54 and 1 gram per pound of body weight. (If you want to lose weight, use your goal body weight as your guide.)

Add a serving, like 3 ounces of lean meat, 2 tablespoons of nuts, or 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, to every meal and snack. Plus, research shows that protein can up postmeal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent.

Go Organic When You Can

Go Organic When You Can


Canadian researchers report that dieters with the most organochlorines (pollutants from pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) experience a greater-than-normal dip in metabolism as they lose weight, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the energy-burning process. In other words, pesticides make it harder to lose pounds.

Of course, it's not always easy to find—or afford—organic produce. But in general, conventionally grown items that you peel—avocado, grapefruit, bananas—are fine. But choose organic when buying celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach, kale and collard greens, cherries, potatoes, and imported grapes; they tend to have the highest levels of pesticides.

Get Up, Stand Up

Get Up, Stand Up


Whether you sit or stand at work may play as big a role in your waistline as your fitness routine. Missouri University researchers discovered that inactivity (4 hours or more) causes a near shut- down of an enzyme that controls fat and cholesterol metabolism. To keep this enzyme active and increase your fat-burning, break up long periods of downtime by standing up—for example, while talking on the phone.

Find out how bad sitting actually is for your health:

Drink Cold Water

Drink Cold Water


German researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day (that's 48 ounces) can raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily—enough to shed 5 pounds in a year, with essentially zero additional effort. The increase may come from the work it takes to heat the water to body temperature.

Eat the Heat

Eat the Heat


It turns out that capsaicin, the compound that gives chile peppers their heat, can also fire up your metabolism. Eating about 1 tablespoon of chopped peppers (red or green) boosts your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for your fight-or-flight response), according to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. The result: a temporary metabolism spike of about 23 percent. Stock up on chile peppers to add to salsas, and keep a jar of red-pepper flakes on hand for topping pizzas, pastas, and stir-fries.

Rev Up in the Morning

Rev Up in the Morning


Eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism so it's no accident that those who skip this meal are 41⁄2 times as likely to be obese. The heartier your first meal is, the better. In one study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, volunteers who got 22 to 55 percent of their total calories at breakfast gained only 1.7 pounds on average over 4 years. While those who got zero to 11 percent gained nearly 3 pounds.

Drink Coffee or Tea

Drink Coffee or Tea


Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so your daily java jolts can rev your metabolism by 5 to 8 percent—burning about 98 to 174 calories a day. A cup of brewed tea can raise your metabolism by 12 percent, according to one Japanese study. Researchers believe antioxidants called catechins in tea provide the boost.

Fight Fat with Fiber

Fight Fat with Fiber

Digital Vision/Thinkstock

Research shows that some fiber can fire up your fat burn by as much as 30 percent. Studies find that those who eat the most fiber gain the least weight over time. Aim for about 25 grams a day—the amount in about three servings each of fruits and vegetables.

Eat Iron-Rich Foods

Eat Iron-Rich Foods


Iron is essential for carrying the oxygen your muscles need to burn fat. Unless you restock your stores, you run the risk of low energy and a sagging metabolism. Shellfish, lean meats, beans, fortified cereals, and spinach are excellent sources.

Get More Vitamin D

Get More Vitamin D


Vitamin D is essential for preserving muscle tissue. Get 90 percent of your recommended daily intake (400 IU) in a 3.5-ounce serving of salmon. Other good sources: tuna, fortified milk and cereal, and eggs.

Drink Milk

Drink Milk

George Doyle/Stockbyte/Thinkstock

There's some evidence that calcium deficiency, which is common in many women, may slow metabolism. Research shows that consuming calcium through dairy foods such as fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt may also reduce fat absorption from other foods.

Eat Watermelon

Eat Watermelon

Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock

The amino acid arginine, abundant in watermelon, might promote weight loss, according to the Journal of Nutrition. In a laboratory study, adding this amino acid to the diet of obese mice enhanced the oxidation of fat and glucose. Snack on watermelon and other arginine sources, such as seafood, nuts, and seeds, year-round.

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated


All of your body's chemical reactions, including your metabolism, depend on water. If you are dehydrated, you may be burning up to 2 percent fewer calories, according to researchers at the University of Utah. Drink at least eight to twelve 8-ounce glasses a day.

Want more tips to boost your metabolism and burn fat? Send your Metabolism Sky-High and Drop 15 Pounds in Six Weeks with The Women's Health Diet!

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What Percentage Should My Heart Rate Be To Burn Fat

Source: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/food/a19919229/boost-metabolism/


Cherry Dining Room Chairs

Cherry Dining Room Chairs

How to Calculate the Best Table Size for Your Dining Room


Congratulations on your decision to get a new dining room table. Choosing a new style of table can change the whole vibe in your dining area. It's important to choose a table that fits the size of your room so there's room for everyone to walk around. Taking the time to measure the size of your dining room and comparing your open floor space to standard table sizes can help you choose a piece of furniture that's a good fit for your home.

Determine the Size of Your Dining Area

Hook the end of a tape measure to something solid against the wall, like the door trim, or have a helper hold the end against the wall. Measure all the way across the room to the opposite wall. Make a note of this size, and then repeat the measuring process on the other two walls in the room. Multiply the two numbers together to determine the size of the room in square feet. If you're choosing a dining table for a room in a house with an open floor plan, measure to the edge of the area where you want the dining area to end.

Draw the Room

Sketch the room on a sheet of grid paper or enter the dimensions in a 3D room layout planning tool. While a larger open space around the table gives a room a casual, airy feeling, allow a minimum of three feet around the perimeter of the room for walking space. The remaining space in the center of the room is the maximum to allow for a dining table. It's easier to fit a small table into a large room than it is to crowd an oversized table into a tiny room. If you have extra floor space available after placing your dining table, you can adjust the way it's positioned in the room to enhance the flow of foot traffic and increase visual appeal.

Consider Decor Elements Around the Room's Outer Edge

Some pieces of furniture are big enough they're hard to move, making them almost a permanent part of your floor plan. If there are other large furnishings around the outer edge of the room, such as a hutch or curio cabinet, be sure to include the dimensions of those items in your sketch and in your calculations.

The Role of Table Top Shapes in Choosing Table Size

This is a tip you may see at play if you look closely at tabletops for restaurants. This is because restaurant tables are often packed in snugly to provide seating for as many patrons as possible. When space is at a premium — for example if you have a small dining area and can't arrange it to leave floor space around the table — consider a round or oval table. The rounded edges of the tabletop can allow for foot traffic.

Consider a Table That Has a Leaf

Choosing a table that has a leaf is one easy way to accommodate an occasional large group while enjoying the coziness of a small table. Just add the leaf when guests are coming over and remove it when there's a smaller group present. Floor space may be tied up with the leaf is installed, but it's also freed up when you restore the table to its smaller leaf-free size.

More From QuestionsAnswered.net

Cherry Dining Room Chairs

Source: https://www.questionsanswered.net/article/how-to-calculate-the-best-table-size-for-your-dining-room?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740012%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex


Homeschool Dining Room

Homeschool Dining Room

30 Must-Have Items for Your Dorm Room

Photo Courtesy: Анастасия Гепп/Pixabay

Headed off to college? Congratulations! Not to get too hokey, but moving into a dorm is a big milestone. For many young people, it's the first time they're living away from home without all the usual comforts you've taken for granted. It's important to create a good living space—your room should be a haven that offers relief from all the stresses of academic life.

We picked 30 items that will make sure you have a clean, peaceful and, most importantly, comfortable dorm room.

Get Some Really Good Bed Sheets

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Sleeping in a dorm room almost every night for nine months straight means comfortable sheets will be key. Isabella Crawford's 500-thread count sheets are made from soft and durable pima cotton, the next best thing to Egyptian cotton, but that doesn't mean you need to pay Egyptian cotton prices.

"I totally love how smooth, fine and extremely comfortable they are to sleep on," says one reviewer of this set, which comes with one fitted sheet, one top sheet and pillowcase.

"If I get more than two years out of them, and I believe I will, then I got my money back and more!" says another review.

A Room Inside Your Room

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Maybe your roommate wants to stay up when you're ready to crash, or maybe you just want some privacy when your roommate has a friend over. Alvantor's bed canopy is the perfect solution.

Take your mattress off the bed frame, then open the pop-up canopy and extend the flexible ribs to keep it aloft. Slide the mattress back in, and now you've got, as one reviewer says, "an insane amount of comfort and privacy."

It's got openings at the front and both sides. When zipped closed, it's a warm enclave that keeps out enough light to make sleep easy. (But there's a lamp hanger if you want to stay up and read.)

Comfort From Head to Toe

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Dorm room desk chairs aren't known for their comfort, and you probably won't have room for a recliner, so you'll likely be sitting on your bed a lot. Rest this Brentwood Home foam wedge pillow against the wall or headboard and you're all set for back support.

The pillow's simple wedge design also means you can use it for leg or head support to help with snoring. You can even use it as a laptop desk!

Use Every Inch of Space

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

It doesn't take much for a dorm room to get cluttered, so you've got to get smart about storage solutions, and the AmazonBasics under-the-bed storage container is a great first step.

If you're looking to stash some out-of-season clothes until it warms up or cools down outside or don't want a bunch of athletic equipment rolling around under the bed, this container gets the job done. As one reviewer says, it's "attractive and well-made" to boot. Some users suggest laying cardboard in the bottom to improve support if needed.

Create Additional Storage Space

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

You want to store some stuff under the bed, but your bed frame isn't as high off the floor as you thought. No problem! Just break out the Home-It adjustable bed risers and create as much space as you need.

Raise your bed (sofa or desk) three, five or even eight inches off the ground, depending on how much space you need. Problem solved — easy as that."These blow my mind," reports one satisfied reviewer. "I worried about them being durable enough to withstand our weight but there was no need."

A Solution for Bedside Essentials

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Reading in bed is great until realizing you have to get up to put your book or tablet down on your desk, because you don't have a nightstand. The simple but elegant bedside caddy by Kikkerland gives you a place to store everything from reading materials to your electronics needed for long nights and early mornings.

The support end of the "sturdy and well-made" caddy fits snugly between the mattress and box spring and won't wiggle loose. "The gray felt goes with any decor - it visually 'blends' so you don't really notice it," observes one reviewer.

A Space-Saving Vacuum

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Sure, you wouldn't get bits of potato chips or cereal all over your dorm room floor but, just in case you get stuck with a messy roommate, this 3-in-1 vacuum cleaner from Eureka is a lifesaver.

It's a "powerful little vac," raves one happy reviewer, "perfect for a quick cleanup on hard floors."

The lightweight stick vacuum's 18-foot electrical cord is more than any dorm room needs, and the detachable hand vacuum can help get those tough to reach places. This sturdy dorm room essential is good enough to graduate to your post-college home!

Over-the-Door Storage

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Though SimpleHouseware primarily presents this storage tool as a hanging shoe organizer, it works for a lot more than shoes. In the likely event of there not being much individual closet space, hanging this on the room's front door makes for the perfect shareable space saver for shoes and accessories.

Load the pockets up with scarves, gloves and winter hats. Use them to store snacks, extra rolls of paper towels, or to get those pesky unused charger cords out of the way.

"The metal is strong but thin enough to fit our tight door jamb," writes one satisfied reviewer.

Get Your Drawers Sorted

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

You could just shove everything into one drawer and waste time every morning rooting around for what to wear. Or you can use the Evelots honeycomb drawer organizer to create individual compartments for underwear, socks, ties, scarves and other items to view your options at a glance and pick something quick.

The honeycomb-shaped organizers can be cut down for small drawers or fit together if you have a lot of space to play with. Once the fit is right, they should stay snugly in place. "These were the best for the price," writes a satisfied owner. "It was pretty easy to put together and my underwear and sock drawers look great now."

Desktop Storage for Small Items

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Most people see this tuck box by Umbra as a place to keep jewelry. Sure, you can use it for that, but it's also a simple, unobtrusive, elegant solution to desktop storage space. When closed, it's a chic bamboo box, but turn the walls to reveal the three smaller boxes inside, and you've got room for all sorts of things.

A safe space to keep the thumb drive with all your class notes to, small office supplies for the desk, or a safe space to hide the spare room key, the possibilities are endless!

Hands-Free Relaxation

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Even if you're lucky enough to get a couch to yourself, you'll still want this tablet stand pillow holder from Ideas in Life to hold your Kindle, iPad or other tablet device. This tablet stand frees your hands from having to hold the device for hours while minimizing back and neck pain.

"It's tiny but sturdy and perfect to get the job done," says one happy reviewer. You can also set it up on a desk, night stand or counter top to make an impromptu TV screen. "I just wish they had it in different colors because I would buy more," says another user.

Turn Your Bed Into a Desk

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

"I feel stuffy and suffocated with a heavy laptop on my lap, and I usually like having the screen quite close to my face so having it on my lap is annoying. I also notice that I sort of slouch down to see the screen better and it was really irritating my back," says one reviewer who needed a change.

The TaoTronics laptop desk takes care of that, providing a sturdy base that allows you to work at a desk without leaving your bed or sofa.

Adjust the height of the side legs or tilt the surface of the desk, while blockers along the bottom edge keep the secure. There's also a wrist rest to help minimize the risk of repetitive stress injuries. When you're done, the legs fold up under the desktop to store just about anywhere.

Take Notes On Your Refrigerator

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Igloo's dry eraser board refrigerator is as simple as it is brilliant. Instead of having to buy a magnetic whiteboard that will probably end up falling off at some point, why not just make the refrigerator door a dry-erase board?

On its own, the black design is sleek and minimalist. Break out the two colored markers, though, and you can have all sorts of fun creating inventories, shopping lists or reminders for important events. Inside, there's room to store two-liter bottles, as well as a dispenser that can hold up to eight cans. As one reviewer says, "Cute and practical!"

Effortless Late-Night Snacks

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

All the Black and Decker four-slice toaster ovenneeds is a flat surface spanning just over 16 inches by 11 inches. This inexpensive electric oven can make dorm life a lot more pleasant.

As the description promises, it's big enough to make four slices of toast at once, which means it's also big enough to fit a large pizza slice for reheating, along with various other frozen foods. Just be safe and remember to unplug the oven when you're not using it.

Make Your Own Soft Drinks

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Have you ever thought about how much soft drinks cost, not to mention the environmental impact of all those cans and plastic bottles? With SodaStream, you can make your own sparkling water and add whatever flavors you want without loading up on sugar or caffeine.

The Fizzi sparkling water maker bundle comes with the basic stand, three one-liter bottles; two CO2 cylinders for carbonation and two fruity flavor packs. Reviewers say it's "easy to use" and "takes up very little space."

Replacement cylinders can last months—way less than the price of soft drinks over the same time frame.

Fancy a Cup of Tea?

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The stainless steel portable electric hot water kettle from AmazonBasics will prove its worth the first night you have to stay up studying for a big test. It holds up to one liter of water—enough to make several cups of tea, hot chocolate or coffee—and gets to the boiling point almost instantly, then automatically shuts down for safety.

"In about 35 seconds, I have a liter of water at the perfect tea making temperature," says one reviewer. A clear window on the side lets you check when to refill the kettle. You don't even have to wash it afterwards, just wipe the inside dry once it has cooled down.

Instant Shelf Space

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

You'll get some closet space in your dorm room, but good luck finding enough shelf space. Whitmor's closet organizer is "perfect vertical storage for the small cramped spaces we're allowed," one reviewer reports.

Just hang the metal hooks off the rod, and the fabric drops down to reveal five roomy compartments. "I'm glad I purchased it," says another satisfied buyerer. "It makes my closet look more organized." You can use the compartments to get shoes up off the floor, keep jeans and sweaters folded neatly or create as an instant cubbyhole for snack supplies.

Space-Saving Hangers

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Some people say you shouldn't bring all your clothes with you to college, because they won't all fit in a small closet. Well, we say that's because you're using fat plastic hangers. Get a set of AmazonBasics velvet suit hangers instead.

They're four times thinner than regular hangers, but just as strong. One hanger can hold up to 10 pounds, which means it can even handle heavy winter coats. (And for that extra weighty coats, just double up the hangers for added support.) "You'll be amazed at how much more you can fit into your closet," one reviewer raves.

A Mirror That Fits Anywhere

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

This full-length hanging mirror from Mirrotek with the cherry finish isn't the least expensive model you can find, but "it definitely looks more expensive than it actually is," according to one reviewer, bringing a "sleek and clean" accent to your dorm room.

The 3.5-foot mirror is lightweight and hangs simply off the back of your door, or it can just as easily be mounted on the wall. Once it's set up, you'll always be able to check yourself on the way out to make sure you picked the perfect outfit before heading off to class, a Saturday tailgate, or any other event.

A Lightweight Laundry Tote

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

When a traditional plastic laundry bucket is not being used, it just sits there taking up a huge chunk of floor space. Plus, it's a heavy hassle to carry all the way to the laundry room. That's why you need a Handy Laundry mesh popup laundry hamper.

The durable mesh bag lies flat when it's empty, so it's easy to store. But even after you start throwing clothes in it, the bag doesn't take up much space. When you're ready to go do laundry, the handles make it easy to carry and even have side pockets for detergent and fabric softener.

A Warm and Cozy Rug

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

A shag rug for your dorm room may seem excessive, but just wait until you wake up some winter morning and put your bare feet on the cold tile floor.

"If you are looking for a chic look and comfort on a budget, this is it!" one reviewer raves.The rug is a little over 5 feet long and just under 4 feet wide, covering plenty of floor space. If you spill any food crumbs, just go over it with a hand vacuum, or, though hand washing is recommended, many reviewers say they throw it in the washing machine without a problem.

Sturdy and Useful Desk Organizers

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Mind Reader's mesh storage baskets might look like they're better suited for a corporate office than a college dorm room but, trust us on this, simple and functional is a great look for your desk or chest of drawers. Or you can easily slip these containers under your bed or in the closet.

The sturdy frame lets you stack the baskets one on top of the other and slide them out to get whatever you need without any fuss. "They aren't super big," one reviewer says, "but you can actually get quite a bit in them."

Hit the Showers

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Odds are your bathroom is going to be all the way at the other end of the hall. You're going to make that long walk every day, so you'll definitely want Handy Laundry's shower caddy tote. Its seven compartments have more than enough space for soap, shampoo, conditioner and anything else you need to get through your morning regimen.

"I just place the handles on a shower hook," a reviewer says, "and I don't have to worry about the bag touching the floor or anything gross." The mesh fabric makes it okay to bring into the shower with you. Water just passes through the bag and dries out quick.

Have Fun with Mood Lighting

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

One of the least attractive aspects of any dorm room is the harsh institutional overhead lighting. 12APM's string lights offer a fun alternative—a 66-foot string of copper wire with 200 LED lights that bring a "sweet and bright" glow to your walls or ceiling.

The LED bulbs don't heat up, so it's safe and easy to run them back and forth along your walls, holding the wire in place with thumbtacks. Plus, the string is so thin, pretty much all you'll see is the light. "My room is so peaceful now because of these!" one reviewer says.

Maximize Your Desktop Space

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

You should always try to keep your computer monitor at eye level, so you don't hurt your back and neck hunching over the screen. Since you'll be spending a lot of time in your dorm room staring at your computer, you'll want this monitor stand from SimpleHouseware.

The metal stand is "extremely sturdy" and "holds a lot more weight than most other brands," according to one reviewer.

It also comes with a sliding tray, side pockets and enough space underneath to keep a keyboard. If you have a laptop, this is still a great option, as another reviewer reports, "The perforated metal of the desk stand keeps my laptop cooler than anything else I have tried."

Keep the Cable Together

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

We shouldn't have to push you too hard on this one. You have electronic stuff at home, so you should know that everything with a cord always gets tangled up behind the desk or entertainment center. That is, unless you get yourself a cable management sleeve like JOTO's.

Once you all your electronics are set up in your room, pull the wires together, wrap this sleeve around them, zip it up and you're done. For what one reviewer happily calls a "cheap price," this is a solution to cable clutter that's "tough as nails."

Keep Your Devices Fully Charged

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

TESSAN's desktop charging station fits three electrical outlets and three USB ports into a 4-inch square. It may be small, but this station can pack in plenty of plugs to power.

It's not a regular power strip, so it doesn't have a surge protector, but that just means you shouldn't plan on leaving anything plugged into it indefinitely. (The cord does have a three-prong plug for safety's sake, though.)

"It's perfect for what it does!" one user exclaims. "Leave your phone plugged in overnight, and it will be fully charged by the time the sun comes up." And you've still got USB ports left to charge your tablet or other devices.

"The Best Speaker I've Ever Purchased"

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

The Oontz Angle 3 from Cambridge Sound Works is an extremely popular wireless speaker option. One reviewer calls it "the best speaker I've ever purchased," praising the great sound and long battery life. Another reviewer says it's "more than I would expect" for a speaker at this inexpensive price point, "and it sounds really good in the entire room."

The Oontz Angle 3 can play for up to 14 hours when fully charged, and the Bluetooth connection works at distances up to 100 feet. We're not saying that means you should point it out your window and blast your playlist on the quad from your smartphone. We're just pointing out that you could... You know, if you wanted to.

Perfect Lighting for Every Situation

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

LAMPAT's LED desk lamp has been called "the best desk lamp I've ever owned in terms of practicality and functionality."It has four preset modes for studying, reading, relaxing and napping. You can also fine tune five levels of brightness on each mode and even set a timer to shut the lamp down after 30 or 60 minutes.

The black plastic is lightweight with a sleek and modern design Though some users point out that it also attracts dust and fingerprints, a quick wipedown is all it needs.

Keep Cool With AC

Photo Courtesy: Amazon

Chances are your dorm room isn't going to be air-conditioned. Depending on where you're going to school, that could be a problem at the start or end of the school year, so you might want to take a look at Honeywell's QuietSet Whole Room Tower Fan.

This fan doesn't take up much floor space, which is good, because your dorm doesn't have a lot to spare. It's got eight different speeds and even the highest speed doesn't make a lot of noise, so it won't interfere with your studies. You can use the remote control to change the settings from your bed and even set up an automatic timer to shut it down after you've fallen asleep.

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More From ConsumerSearch.com

Homeschool Dining Room

Source: https://www.consumersearch.com/family-pets/must-have-items-dorm-room?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740007%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex


Modern Dining Stools

Modern Dining Stools

Our Modern and Contemporary design dining chairs included the latest styles and fabrics using on trend fabrics and styles. As well as fabric options there are also bentwood designs and leather options to choose from. All of the Modern style chairs are chosen for their contemporary looks and durability. All of the dining chairs come with our quality guarantee and come with free nationwide delivery.

Showing 1–18 of 89 results

Archer Grey Leather Cantilever Dining chair

Rated 5.00 out of 5


The Archer Grey Faux Leather dining chair is an attractive contemporary design dining chair, upholstered in a classic antiqued Grey imitation leather that is durable and practical. The seating area and back rest is padded with high density foam for maximum comfort, with an attractive panel design for additional comfort. For Full Description and Sizes please see below



Brent Dark Grey Faux Leather Office Chair


The Brent Grey Faux Leather Office chair is a fully adjustable office chair styled in a traditional Chesterfield inspired button back design, and upholstered in an eye catching on trend dark Grey faux leather material. The Seat itself is padded with high density foam for a very comfortable sit, and the quality upholstery is hand laid and buttoned, and finished with attractive chrome stud work around the edges. For Full Description and Sizes please see below.


Brent Grey Brushed Velvet Office Chair


The Brent Grey Brushed Velvet Office chair is a fully adjustable office chair styled in a traditional Chesterfield inspired button back design, and upholstered in an eye-catching on-trend Grey brushed Velvet material. The Seat itself is padded with high-density foam for a very comfortable sit, and the quality upholstery is hand-laid and buttoned and finished with attractive chrome stud work around the edges. For Full Description and Sizes please see below.


Brent Yellow Faux Leather Office Chair


The Brent Yellow Faux Leather Office chair is a fully adjustable office chair styled in a traditional Chesterfield-inspired button-back design and upholstered in an eye-catching on-trend Yellow faux leather material. The Seat itself is padded with high-density foam for a very comfortable seat, and the quality upholstery is hand-laid and buttoned, and finished with attractive chrome stud work around the edges. For Full Description and Sizes please see below.


Callisto Black Leather and Steel Cantilever Dining Chair


The Callisto Black Faux leather & Chrome contemporary cantilever dining chair is a great looking practical dining chair upholstered with a very convincing faux leather in a very stylish quilted back rest design. For full details and sizes see below



Callisto Grey Leather and Steel Cantilever Dining Chair

Rated 5.00 out of 5


The Callisto Grey Faux leather & Chrome contemporary cantilever dining chair is a great looking practical dining chair upholstered with a very convincing faux leather in a very stylish quilted back rest design. For full details and sizes see below



Callisto White Leather and Steel Cantilever Dining Chair


The Callisto White Faux leather and Chrome contemporary cantilever dining chair is a great looking practical dining chair upholstered with a very convincing faux leather in a very stylish quilted back rest design. For full details and sizes see below



Capri Grey Weave Fabric Modern Dining Chair

Rated 5.00 out of 5


The Capri Grey Weave Fabric dining chair is a very stylish chair inspired by retro looks with modern construction in a contemporary style. The Legs are Oak to complement the attractive Grey Weave material, and the seat is supported with a solid timber frame under the seat. The material is thick and durable with an attractive neutral Grey weave pattern that suits any decor For full description and sizes see below



Capri Natural Linen Fabric Modern Dining Chair


The Capri Natural Weave Fabric dining chair is a very stylish chair inspired by retro looks with modern construction in a contemporary style. The Legs are Oak to complement the attractive Natural Weave material, and the seat is supported with a solid timber frame under the seat. The material is thick and durable with an attractive neutral weave pattern that suits any decor For full description and sizes see below



Dallas Blue Leather Contemporary Swivel Chair Leather - Black Legs


The Dallas contemporary Blue faux Leather swivel Dining Chair offers an accomplished and unique modern design, with unmistakable style and presence. This chair likes to be sociable, effortlessly cool and will add an edgy flair to any dining experience. It stands proud on its sunray base which is offered in black or stainless steel and comes in a choice of faux leather colours. Mix and match them or keep to one colour to take a simple table setting to the next level of trend-led design which nods towards a retro Style. For Full Description and sizes see below



Dallas Grey Leather Contemporary Swivel Chair Leather - Black Legs


The Dallas contemporary Grey faux Leather swivel Dining Chair offers an accomplished and unique modern design, with unmistakable style and presence. This chair likes to be sociable, effortlessly cool and will add an edgy flair to any dining experience. It stands proud on its sunray base which is offered in black or stainless steel and comes in a choice of faux leather colours. Mix and match them or keep to one colour to take a simple table setting to the next level of trend-led design which nods towards a retro Style. For Full Description and sizes see below



Dallas Grey Leather Contemporary Swivel Chair Leather - Steel Legs


The Dallas contemporary Grey faux Leather swivel Dining Chair offers an accomplished and unique modern design, with unmistakable style and presence. This chair likes to be sociable, effortlessly cool, and will add an edgy flair to any dining experience. It stands proud on its sunray base which is offered in black or stainless steel and comes in a choice of faux leather colours. Mix and match them or keep to one colour to make a simple table setting to the next level of trend-led design which nods towards a retro Style. For Full Description and sizes see below



Dallas Taupe Leather Contemporary Swivel Chair Leather - Black Legs


The Dallas contemporary Taupe faux Leather swivel Dining Chair offers an accomplished and unique modern design, with unmistakable style and presence. This chair likes to be sociable, effortlessly cool and will add an edgy flair to any dining experience. It stands proud on its sunray base which is offered in black or stainless steel and comes in a choice of faux leather colours. Mix and match them or keep to one colour to take a simple table setting to the next level of trend-led design which nods towards a retro Style. For Full Description and sizes see below



Dallas Taupe Leather Contemporary Swivel Chair Leather - Steel Legs


The Dallas contemporary Taupe faux Leather swivel Dining Chair offers an accomplished and unique modern design, with unmistakable style and presence. This chair likes to be sociable, effortlessly cool and will add an edgy flair to any dining experience. It stands proud on its sunray base which is offered in black or stainless steel and comes in a choice of faux leather colours. Mix and match them or keep to one colour to take a simple table setting to the next level of trend-led design which nods towards a retro Style. For Full Description and sizes see below



Dallas Yellow Leather Contemporary Swivel Chair Leather - Black Legs


The Dallas contemporary Yellow faux Leather swivel Dining Chair offers an accomplished and unique modern design, with unmistakable style and presence. This chair likes to be sociable, effortlessly cool and will add an edgy flair to any dining experience. It stands proud on its sunray base which is offered in black or stainless steel and comes in a choice of faux leather colours. Mix and match them or keep to one colour to take a simple table setting to the next level of trend-led design which nods towards a retro Style. For Full Description and sizes see below



Dallas Yellow Leather Contemporary Swivel Chair Leather - Steel Legs


The Dallas contemporary Yellow faux Leather swivel Dining Chair offers an accomplished and unique modern design, with unmistakable style and presence. This chair likes to be sociable, effortlessly cool, and will add an edgy flair to any dining experience. It stands proud on its sunray base which is offered in black or stainless steel and comes in a choice of faux leather colours. Mix and match them or keep to one colour to make a simple table setting to the next level of trend-led design which nods towards a retro Style. For Full Description and sizes see below



Evie Blush Pink Brushed Velvet Contemporary Dining Bench


The Evie blush pink Velvet Dining Bench is a prime example of contemporary looks coupled with a Quality classic Brushed Velvet fabric. Designed with comfort in mind, the bucket seating area is padded with high-density foam for a very comfortable seat, and the quilted back design offers a stylish finish with added back padding. For Full description and sizes please see below.


Evie Blush Pink Brushed Velvet Contemporary Dining Chair


The Evie blush pink Velvet Dining chair is a prime example of contemporary looks coupled with a Quality classic Brushed Velvet fabric. Designed with comfort in mind, the bucket seating area is padded with high-density foam for a very comfortable seat, and the quilted back design offers a stylish finish with added back padding. For Full description and sizes please see below.



Modern Dining Stools

Source: https://www.capitaldiningchairs.co.uk/product-category/modern-style-chairs/
